Day 18: Gibbs and the Pulverizer

Years ago, my wife and I agreed to cut the chord on cable. She was sketchy about it at first (missing all of her weird reality TV shows about a bunch of girls trying to fall in love with a guy… or those big time karaoke shows where someone wins a record deal…). I on the other hand, only find TV useful for sports.

With my inconsistent schedule to be home, we both agreed originally to a Netflix subscription for her, while I was piled high in my teaching and learning texts and online classes.

When we would visit my parents, my dad would have either a football game on, James Bond, or his late favorite – NCIS. I would always catch a show with him, but never got into it – until about 3 months ago.

The show is simple and entertaining. But what I love the most is how the main character – Jethro Gibbs, reminds me as a military version of my ole’ man.

Gibbs sees life as simple, doesn’t need the high flashy things, good with his hands, and always there to bring someone to justice – while teaching his team a lesson.

Watching my dad in my 30+ years of life, I have to admit I’m pretty lucky for all the lessons he has brought to me and taught me through the rough road I call life. Sometimes, it would be a simple polish proverb… or maybe a Pat Morita quote from Karate Kid about patience.

The most important part of everything – my dad made sure I would learn my own lessons and he was able to sit back (I bet sometimes it was hard) and watch me fail… and pick myself back up.

So I guess, this is why I have a fond fortune with the show – but I’m quite ok with it 🙂

4 thoughts on “Day 18: Gibbs and the Pulverizer

  1. I think that is a pretty good reason to watch that show. It is pretty cool how a lot of the things that remind you of your dad remind me of my old man. I try and take some of those lessons and apply them to my kids. I mean we turned out pretty good right?


  2. We gave up the cable too – so expensive and we didn’t really watch that much at all. We actually watch more on the computer now. There are certain shows I can get and loads of movies with Amazon Prime.Youtube is a favorite too….


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